Can a Malaysian Student Be the Next Oscar Award Winner?

Earlier this year, American-based Malaysians Poh Si Teng and Cheyenne Tan made local headlines, when their documentary St. Louis Superman was nominated for an Oscar award under the Best Documentary Short Subject category at the 92nd Academy Awards . Although the film producer-duo did not win, their nomination remains the closest to Malaysia bagging one …

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Stay Healthy During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Advice from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Based on the belief of striking a balance between yin and yang to enable qi – an individual’s vital energy – to flow smoothly along the meridians in our body to keep us healthy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. In recent months TCM …

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Covid-19: When Investing in Online Teaching & Learning Pays Off

As the country pushes through the second week of the Movement Control Order (MCO), Malaysians are forced to improvise, adapt and overcome challenges in many aspects of their daily lives. From being confined within four walls 24/7 to working from home, from hoarding essential items for fear of uncertainty to jumping on the e-learning bandwagon, …

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A Lecturer’s Internship Experience

While many often associate lecturers with teaching and internship experiences with soon-to-be-graduates, it is understandable when people are perplexed to hear about a lecturer undergoing an internship. Esaline Marie Spykerman, currently a Mass Communication and Business lecturer at INTI International College Subang (INTI), shares about her Faculty Industry Attachment (FIA) experience with Vinda Malaysia, along …

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You Could Pursue Your Higher Education in the Birthplace of Pizza Hut Too

While most of the prestigious Malaysian universities promise high quality and affordable education, these institutions also believe in attracting the best talents. Most of them offer scholarships to reward the students’ achievements and offer support to those who merit them. Students on the other hand, also work hard academically to obtain merit scholarships that may …

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The Evolution of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a World of Emerging Technologies

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), physicians diagnose patients’ conditions by observing, listening, asking and feeling – as well as using certain natural herbs and treatments in curing disease and ailments. With the emergence of numerous new technologies brought about by Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), human intelligence and traditional diagnostic methods have been simulated and even …

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So What If You are a Vegetarian and Want to Experience Studying Overseas?

Till now you’ve been a vegan or a vegetarian and now you’re at a crossroad. Do you need to break your traditions or lifestyle and start gorging on non-vegetarian food while you study in a different country, what more if you’re in the land where Colonel Sanders was born and his famous Kentucky Fried Chicken …

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