Beyond Greenwashing: Reconsidering Business Values Amidst Calamity

Supporting and improving the lives of extended communities beyond our own, or wanting to improve and create better processes and outcomes are traits of being human. While these noble efforts are even more necessary amid the challenges facing today’s pandemic ridden world, too often we hear of situations when corporations use sustainable and social efforts …

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Safeguarding Students During the Pandemic Through Blended Learning

COVID-19 has significantly changed the way education is delivered. According to a survey of teaching and learning executive leaders in the UK, 73% of respondents said they expected that at least a quarter of their teaching would be delivered online in 20301. Blended learning, an approach to learning that combines face-to-face and online learning experiences …

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Developing Innovative and Technology-savvy Leaders for a Post-pandemic World

As COVID-19 continues to accelerate the need for greater innovation and technology, INTI International University & Colleges is honing future leaders from across industries through its Doctorate in Philosophy (Innovation and Technology) programme. Dr Lai Yin Ling is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying at INTI International University. Dr. Lai …

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Optical Fibres a Cheaper and More Efficient Component for Humidity Sensors

Fibre optic cables are known to many of us as what allows us to enjoy high speed internet connections. Optical fibres have been used for various applications such as transmissions, but they have since gained tremendous interest as a component in relative humidity sensors. While current sensing probes use electricity, it has been discovered that …

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INTI Alumna Thrives in World University Ranked Institution Despite Epidemic

After spending nearly a year abroad during the COVID epidemic, Chang Chai Qi has lots to say about her experience as an international student studying in Australia. Chang Chai Qi is an alumna of INTI International College Penang. Chai Qi, who enrolled into the University of South Australia (UniSA) more than a year before the …

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Upscaling IC Design Skills Through Competitions

Project-based competitions are an effective way to maintain students’ interest and motivation and to help them achieve practical learning outcomes in their studies. INTI’s annual integrated circuit (IC) design competition held at its campus in Penang has served to spur innovation among students and offered a platform for them to prove their industry-ready capabilities to …

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Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery for INTI

The year 2020 had all the makings of a momentous year. The COVID-19 outbreak sent global industries and economies into a tailspin. In Malaysia, the Movement Control Order (MCO) kicked off on 18th March, and severely curtailed economic activities. INTI International University & Colleges organizes regular sanitizing in all its classrooms, lecture halls and common …

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Private Education Opportunities for All, Including Bumiputera Students

“I felt relieved,” shared 18-year-old Fateen, who recalled how she felt when she first received news that she was one of the many successful Chairman’s Award recipients at her university. Fateen binti Mohamad Pazli is currently pursuing her Diploma in Business online at INTI International College Penang The youngest of four who enrolled with INTI …

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