Combined with a world class curriculum that incorporates industry-relevant courses in tandem with real-world scenarios and projects.

INTI graduates are highly employable and empowered to make a positive difference from day one.

Ameer Azhar Fadzilan

Job title:
Product Engineer, Misi Setia Oil & Gas Sdn Bhd

Course of study:
B.Eng. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering, INTI International University

When I first visited INTI back in 2009, it still held the status of ‘University College’. After learning about the curriculum and the facilities during a campus tour, I had full confidence that INTI would achieve full university status. It was their partnerships with top universities in the UK and North America that sealed the deal for me.

[showhide type=”alumni2″ more_text=”Read more” less_text=”Hide”]True enough in 2010, the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education upgraded INTI University College to INTI International University. I also like that the Nilai campus was away from the busy city as I was able to focus on my studies and pursue the various sports activities offered on campus.

My decision to pursue a career in oil and gas started with university field trips. To find where I belonged, I would attend every field trip organised by the School of Engineering and learned about the different industries. From those field trips, I picked the best company to do my internship with – PETRONAS Penapisan Melaka. With my internship experience with PETRONAS, I found a burning enthusiasm to learn more about the industry. Plus, the oil and gas sector had promising opportunities for growth which was a priority in my job search.

As oil and gas is a demanding industry, the first year of work was very challenging. Nonetheless, I made a wide networking circle within professionals from the industry and during the first year, I delivered quality work with results that surpassed my KPI. That won me the respect of my company’s top management.

To be prepared for the working world, you need to sharpen your soft skills. As much as employers appreciate your qualifications, your soft skills will be the deciding factor in whether you land your dream job. Trust me, it’s a challenging world out there, so get out of your hostel room and start interacting with everyone, participate in extra-curricular activities, and put your hand up for committee roles.[/showhide]

Yadhavsingh Jaddoo

Job Title:
Mauritius Tourism Authority

Course of study at INTI:
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

I first heard about INTI when I was looking for a study abroad experience. I found that INTI offered the most interesting Quantity Surveying programme compared to other institutions. I liked that the degree touched on different aspects of construction, project management and its economic impact. It was not only restricted to construction and offered great insights on how to manage any project.

[showhide type=”alumni4″ more_text=”Read more” less_text=”Hide”]The best way to develop soft skills is by participating in university activities and volunteering as an organising committee member. You will learn a lot about working in teams and overcoming challenges no matter how big they are. For me, the experience equipped me with the proper tools to take on both work and life challenges. It gave me the confidence in making informed decisions, especially during difficult situations.

To meet people in the industry, attend as many seminars and workshops as you can. Networking is very important; it’s as much about knowing the right people as it is about having the right qualifications. My first job, an internship with a reputable company, was secured through strategic networking.

The secret to effective studying is to look for the interesting aspects of the subject you are studying. Look for what your mind craves for when it comes to acquiring knowledge, and go satisfy your cravings. Studying is not about sitting at the library 24/7. Studying is about learning from experience, trying new things, taking up challenges, testing yourself, and most importantly, sharing your knowledge with others.[/showhide]

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