How Young Entrepreneurs and Startups Pivoted During and Post MCO

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ecosystem for growing businesses, amid threats of economic ramifications. For some young entrepreneurs, especially those armed with the knowledge of cutting edge technology, online media and digital marketing, have, however, found their way to forge ahead since the lockdown. Marcus Teoh Zhen Ye, Founder of Despite the Movement …

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Learning As a Key to Solidarity Amid Global Crises

By: Tan Lin Nah Chief Executive Officer INTI International University & Colleges Education and continued learning were a critical focus during the height of the Movement Control Order. While simultaneous attention has been given to unemployment, business continuity and the role of technology throughout this pandemic, the function and features of education, both presently and …

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Parents and Guardians Share Appreciation for Online Learning

Following the Higher Education Ministry’s recent announcement on allowing certain students to return to universities, the majority of tertiary students will continue to study online until they are able to return to their institutions in October 2020. To better understand their students’ online learning experiences and its impact on them and their families, INTI International …

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Employment Post Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely shifted an understandable focus to the country’s unemployment, with reports showing that unemployment is at its peak, with industries like hospitality, tourism, and travel taking the biggest hits from the lockdown1. INTI’s first virtual INTI Leadership Series with Byron Fernandez, Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President for TDCX Malaysia …

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