The Evolution of Traditional Chinese Medicine in a World of Emerging Technologies

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), physicians diagnose patients’ conditions by observing, listening, asking and feeling – as well as using certain natural herbs and treatments in curing disease and ailments. With the emergence of numerous new technologies brought about by Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), human intelligence and traditional diagnostic methods have been simulated and even …

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So What If You are a Vegetarian and Want to Experience Studying Overseas?

Till now you’ve been a vegan or a vegetarian and now you’re at a crossroad. Do you need to break your traditions or lifestyle and start gorging on non-vegetarian food while you study in a different country, what more if you’re in the land where Colonel Sanders was born and his famous Kentucky Fried Chicken …

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INTI and Automation Anywhere Leading the Way to Reskill the Workforce for the Future of Automation

The increasing demand for the adoption of robot-based solutions and cloud-based solutions is creating potential opportunities for the accomplishment of the RPA market across the globe. Automation Anywhere’s product trainer from Singapore, Ng Li Xi trains faculty and staff at the Bot Lab during the first three days of training held at INTI International College …

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Levelling Up Their Academic Ability through the Highest Level of Attainment

With the recent announcement of the results for the New South Wales Higher School Certificate (NSW HSC) examinations, candidates from INTI International College Penang (INTI) made their parents and educators proud with their spectacular academic achievements! The top achievers of the New South Wales Higher School Certificate along with lecturers, senior academicians and the Chief …

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Kuantan Native Who Nearly Saw an End to His Start-up, Makes it to Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia

Hailing from Kuantan, Pahang, TM Lee is evidence that no boundaries can stop you if you aspire to dream big and work towards turning it into reality. One of only 11 Malaysians from a list of 300 other game-changers in the region, TM’s hardwork and perseverance paid off when he made it to the Forbes …

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章扬从宽柔中学毕业后,到英迪国际大学(INTI)深造,目前正修读信息技术学士学位大三课程。行动管制期间,由于马来西亚政府宣布全国所有学校一律停课,章扬为自己的学业感到担忧。 “起初,我还因停课而庆幸,但我渐渐开始担心,停课期间学业该怎么办?” 章扬表示,即使停课,功课仍然堆积如山,尤其是在行动管制期的开始。同时,停课导致他无法继续学习新课程,因此他也害怕做功课时会面临许多困难。 “行动管制的第二天,我就约了朋友一起回家乡。当时,原本学校计划开始线上上课,可是还未获得政府的批准,所以,大约有一星期的时间完全没有上课。” 虽然如此,政府最终宣布学校可以恢复线上上课,于是INTI就开始在线上授课。不久后,讲师们就陆续发电邮通知学生们有关复课的细节,而校方也在布告栏张贴有关线上教学的资料。 章扬说:“一开始,我不太习惯线上学习,讲师们在讲课时,偶尔会听不清楚。”尽管如此,他认为线上上课还是能够协助他在行动管制期间继续他的学业。例如,虽然有很多理论题或涉及图示说明的概念会比较难理解,讲师们可以把每一个课程都录下来。因此,学生们可以重播讲师们的录影,以让他们了解任何在上课时听不清楚或是不明白的概念。 “如果你刚考完统考,仍在犹豫要不要上大学,我建议你考虑选择INTI,因为INTI提供许多线上学习的资源。” 由于全球各地疫情的趋势难以预测,许多中学毕业生不知道要等待多久才可以继续完成他们的升学目标。然而,通过INTI的线上教学系统,无论疫情动态如何,学生们还是可以专注于继续制定他们的学习目标。INTI是你最好的选择! 想进一步了解或申请入学,请点击此链接 填写表格,我们的升学顾问将会协助您。