eSports on college campuses becoming a reality

Have you ever been told to go outdoors instead of holding on to your video game consoles? Turns out that could soon be a thing of the past, as there has been a significant rise in numbers of eSports tournaments in the country. After all, RM10,000 prize money for winning a video game competition cango a long way to help with college tuition fees.

A Step to Career Prosperity

INTI International University & Colleges Subang Campus organized Career Week from May 18—22, 2015. The purpose of Career Week was to provide a platform for students to meet their dream employers; to understand career insights and to explore various career pathways.

Break the Invincible Fences – Jakeman

The 31st INTI Leadership Series was held on May 6, 2015 at INTI International College Subang. The guest speaker was, Jake Abdullah “Jakeman”, the Chief Executive Officer of Astro Radio, Malaysia. The event consisted of talk by Jakeman followed by moderation session and concluded with coffee session with Top Ten Students of INTI, Malaysia.