INTI International College Subang Teams Up With Majlis Bandaraya Subang Jaya (MBSJ) on Gotong-Royong Initiative

March 21, 2023

Students, lecturers, and staff from INTI International College Subang (IICS) took to the streets on 25 February on a mission to improve the cleanliness of the SS15 Subang Jaya neighbourhood.

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) project jointly organised by the college’s Center for American Education (CAE) and local city council, Majlis Bandaraya Subang Jaya (MBSJ), also received the support of the office of Subang Jaya assemblyman, YB Michelle Ng Mei Sze.

Over 300 participants from three faculties namely CAE, Centre for University of Hertfordshire Programmes, and the Center for Australian Degree Programs (CADP), came out in full force for the gotong-royong where they collected food packaging, plastic bags, boxes, and other waste scattered on the streets and in the drains.

“Gotong-royongs build communities and empowers each person to be agents of change. My hope is that this does not stop as a one-off activity as keeping Subang Jaya clean is everyone’s responsibility.

“In any little way that you can, try to bring about change in your own neighbourhood,” said YB Michelle.

When the participants returned to campus, they separated and weighed the recyclable waste they collected at a booth set up by MBSJ. There they were rewarded with a selection of items such as pencil cases, mugs, T-shirts, and caps for their recycling efforts. Meanwhile, items that cannot be recycled were set aside in another bin.

The gotong-royong not only taught students about the importance of waste management, but it also increased their awareness about environmental protection and encouraged them to cultivate better habits for a cleaner and healthier environment.

According to IICS Chief Executive Dr. Jane Lim, disposal of waste continues to increase due to an increase in consumption, and this concerning situation requires action.

“Subang Jaya has been home to our campus since 1991, so it is our duty to come together to give back to the local community by helping to improve the public spaces. This will not only build a bond among our INTI community, but it will also make a positive impact on environmental health and the wellbeing of our local ecosystems,” she said.

She added that every little act makes a difference to keep the environment safe and clean, and hoped that the activity will be the start of many more efforts among the participants, whether as individuals or as a group, to conserve and preserve the environment.

The gotong-royong, part of the “Subang Jaya, Kita Punya” campaign, was officiated by YB Michelle Ng Mei Sze in the presence of MBSJ councillor Ken Chia and IICS Chief Executive Dr. Jane Lim, staff, and students.

Initiatives such as these are just some of INTI’s efforts to incorporate CSR in higher education to nurture holistic talent and future professionals who are not only competent for the workplace, but who are also driven to support their communities.


Participants of the gotong-royong posing for a group photo before they head out to clean the streets.

Subang Jaya state assemblyman YB Michelle Ng Mei Sze (left) picking up trash from the drains with INTI students and staff.

INTI students and staff scouring the streets and alleys of SS15 Subang Jaya for litter.

Team 7 posing in front of the MBSJ booth with the bags of rubbish they collected.