4 Safety Campus Tips and SOP Procedures Amid the Outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed many people’s way of living as we used to know. Many countries are incorporating new norms into the daily living patterns of their citizens. Businesses have had to close, some shutting down completely as they were not able to keep running. Schools and universities are temporarily shut down, while online …

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Blended Learning in Malaysia: Pros and Con

Blended learning, which is the combination of online learning and on-campus learning, has been lauded as an effective pedagogical approach to education. With an opportunity to combine learning with digital and classroom settings, both educators and students can experience the best of both worlds. Student holding tab showing about blended learning in higher education Advantages …

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Preparing Youths with Social Media Marketing Know-How

Governments across the globe have carried out restricted movement and self-quarantine orders during the recent outbreak, contributing to a significant rise in social media usage. According to social media management platform Hootsuite, more than 1.3 million new users joined social media every day or an equivalent to about 15 new users every single second in …

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Why University Students Should Build Their Personal Brand Before Graduation

Graduate unemployment in Malaysia has been a recurring issue every year. With the recent coronavirus outbreak, the rate of unemployment among fresh graduates worsens as companies decide to freeze all new hiring. Does this mean school leavers of today should skip tertiary education?  In reality, the underlying problem university students face is their lack of …

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