In a heartening initiative, INTI International College Subang’s Centre of Australian Degree Programs (CADP) joined forces with Swinburne University of Technology, setting the stage for a soulful dialogue titled ‘Going Global through Social Media’. The gathering spotlighted a tapestry of authentic voices, including Diana Danielle, known for her captivating presence in the entertainment world; Saroop Roshi, fresh from her victory as Miss World Malaysia 2023; and Anusia Ramasamy, a formidable business figure, proud INTI alumnus, and honoree of the ASEAN Business Award in 2016.
With genuine warmth, Diana Danielle shared nuggets of wisdom on navigating the digital world to create a personal brand that resonates globally. She reminisced, “Unlike 20 years ago, when you had to invest lots of money to gain global recognition, the internet has now connected us all. If you dream of going global, start small and gradually grow your presence internationally.”

Saroop, who has gracefully moved from the national stage to enchant the world, didn’t shy away from sharing her raw realities and struggles. She revealed, “Despite my background in psychology, I grappled with thoughts of suicide. I had to secure a loan and work my way through education, which made me realise that embracing your struggles and limitations can be a powerful asset to your branding.”
She continued, her tone laced with conviction, “Always consider how you can bring value to others, to the people out there. This has been the cornerstone of my journey so far.”

In her turn, Anusia Ramasamy discussed the magic of social media in weaving a network of opportunities, reflecting on her role as a beacon of guidance for Ms. Malaysia, Indian Global 2023. She emphasised, “I’m now a mentor for Ms. Malaysia, Indian Global 2023, through my social media. It made me realise that posting my achievements and experiences is essential because otherwise, they wouldn’t have known what I was up to.”
Anusia, with a hint of vulnerability, also opened up about the darker side of professional social platforms, sharing, “Even on a professional platform, I received negative messages and contemplated my LinkedIn posts much more than on Instagram. Even before the era of ChatGPT, grammar sticklers didn’t hesitate to publicly shame you for the smallest grammatical errors in your posts.”

Reflecting on her own experiences, Saroop spoke about the heavy weight of societal expectations, especially within the beauty industry’s spotlight. She confessed, “I used to believe that I had to put on a facade, that I needed to conform to a certain appearance and behave in a classy manner. However, building a mental health advocacy organisation, ‘Unmask Yourself,’ changed my life significantly.”
She reassured the audience, “There’s nothing wrong with wearing makeup; it doesn’t define who I am. I can choose not to wear it, which doesn’t make me less of a person.”
Speaking as if confiding to friends, Diana Danielle talked about the tricky terrain of maintaining a public persona online, where validation seems tied to the unpredictable tides of public opinion. She shared, “It’s a bit rougher on the seas because we need people’s validation, fans and likes, which is where the money comes from.”
Continuing with a note of encouragement, she said, “People’s opinions are fickle, but you can influence them by understanding how to navigate the game. View it as an opportunity for continuous progress and empowerment. Yet, constantly proving others wrong can be exhausting, like swimming against the tide. The key is to focus on what you can control.”

She concluded, her words a gentle but firm reminder, “The internet and social media have memories like elephants; they never forget. You can revisit what you said 15 or 20 years ago; those past statements can influence your present and future opportunities. Before you post anything negative, consider it as if you’re saying it directly to their face.”