Effective communication is one of the most important factors in creating an efficient work environment. Being able to communicate effectively across an organization, from the highest levels to the lowest levels, creates an environment that promotes productivity and efficiency.
Kayalvily Tabianan, a senior lecturer at INTI International University, shared through her research that employees in an organization are better able to understand each other through effective and strategic communication management, which increases office morale and unity.
Titled ‘The Role of Communication Strategy Towards Improving Organizational Performance: The Mediation Effect of Commitment Behavioral Stream’, the research also revealed that communication is a key component of any organization’s success in attaining its goals. Before its users, suppliers and other stakeholders are included in the chain, the process should begin within the organization itself.
“A whopping 99% of C-suite executives have said that internal communication is important. Employees are encouraged to interact and exchange information and documents with one another frequently. Plus, they hope that the top management listens to their concerns, suggestions, and feedback,” she shared.
According to Kayalvily from the Faculty of Data Sciences and Information Technology (FDSIT), as a manager, building good communication skills has profound short-term and long-term benefits for an organization.
“An effective communicator is able to motivate their team to get more done with better results and fewer misunderstandings. And who doesn’t want fewer misunderstandings?
“Communication strategies clearly increases the chances of an organization ‘winning’ by helping people decide where to focus their attention, energy, resources, and capabilities. Unclear communication results in wasted effort from lack of alignment and confusion, which leads to inertia,” said Kayalvily whose research was conducted with a counterpart from the Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University in Saudi Arabia.
Most people cannot recall the strategy of the organization they work for. Even the executives and managers responsible for strategy struggle, with one study reporting that only 28% of them could list three strategic priorities.
She further elaborated, “Through this research, it was discovered that many organizations do not have a strategy and it isn’t surprising. The few that do find it hard to communicate effectively, as it requires engaging with a wide range of stakeholders in different situations. They find it easier and less risky to issue lofty purpose statements, describe big goals, launch initiatives, or publish fixed plans instead.”
Kayalvily reveals that one of the most important strategies in improving communication happens before one needs to convey a message, and that is listening.
“Communication is more than just relaying messages and ideas; it is also being able to listen to others so that you may understand them better. By listening first, you will gain a better understanding of your target audience, and thus, be able to identify the most effective way to communicate. Listening also allows for you to find answers to issues you may be unsure about and allows you to ask questions before it is too late,” she stated.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. If an internal communications plan is not in place, drop everything else and build one first. Without a plan, there is no clear roadmap to implement effective communication in the business.

Kayalvily Tabianan, a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Data Sciences and Information Technology at INTI International University, revealed in her research titled ‘The Role of Communication Strategy Towards Improving Organizational Performance: The Mediation Effect of Commitment Behavioral Stream’ that employees in an organization are able to better understand each other through effective and strategic communication management.
“It is important that the message, whether being sent electronically or in person, is both accurate and coherent. Leaving out details can, and most likely will, have an impact on the quality of the work that is being done. It can leave employees unable to complete their work and lead them to be frustrated. Hence, designing an efficient internal communication plan will benefit the organization in ways that churn out positive results,” she said.
In the research, it was also understood that effective communication is supposed to be a two-way street. An organization cannot reach its full collaboration potential if information flows only in one direction — from top management to the rest of the workers. If employees are not allowed to ask questions or discuss the information conveyed, then the top management are not communicating but commanding as they are perceived as giving orders and expecting workers to follow them.
“Of course, some directives are absolute and non-negotiable. But you can’t rely on this approach all the time when working with today’s skilled, talented professionals who thrive in an environment of autonomy. Instead, the right company communication strategy is to invest in creating a receptive space where workers can put forth their concerns, share suggestions, and feel heard,” she mentioned.
Above all, every communication, whether written or verbally disseminated internally or externally, should have the essence of a company’s brand and workplace culture.
“The communication should consist of a unique, consistent voice that reduces any chance of ambiguity and unifies its workforce. Such a voice also helps communicate in the right spirit, not to mention avoid conflicts and misunderstandings,” highlighted Kayalvily.
In a nutshell, internal communication is essential to any organization that wants to succeed; the proof is in the pudding. The more effectively an organization communicates the more efficient and productive they are, and the happier their employees tend to be. When looking for ways to improve business practices, ensuring streamlined communication should be at the top of the list.