Learning pathways often differ for every individual. Albert Einstein, the world-renowned physicist was once labelled as ‘retarded’ by his teachers. Einstein failed his entrance examinations into the Federal Institute of Technology (FIT) in Zurich, Switzerland during his first attempt. If he hadn’t taken the advice of the principal by pursuing his first diploma at the Cantonal School in Aarau, he wouldn’t have eventually made it into the FIT and ultimately gone on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

Taking charge of his own learning. Harith Iskandar made changes to his attitude towards learning.
Individuals with similar experiences can often be found among us. Harith Iskandar Bin Huzri, 23, who holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from Keele University and Surrey University respectively, almost couldn’t pursue his tertiary education. After completing his O Levels, Harith realised that he couldn’t join a local university.
“That was a challenging time for me. My parents tried very hard to enquire about a few colleges in order to find a suitable course for me,” recalled Harith, who studied at an international high school.
Harith didn’t take education seriously during his high school days. “I started realising how important education was for my career and my future only towards the end of my secondary education,” he recalled.
Fortunately, Harith’s parents found him a suitable course – the Certificate in Business Studies (CBS) programme at INTI International College Subang.
Guided by his lecturers, Harith improved his attitude towards his studies. He adopted a sense of discipline, studied very hard, and even became a source of guidance for his course mates.
“Working closely with my course mates on projects and assignments gave me an opportunity to open up more about myself and to reach out for guidance and support when I needed it,” explained Harith who is an only child in his family.
The support and conducive learning environment provided by INTI also provided Nathaniel Philip Thomas, 20, a stepping stone towards turning his life around.
Nathaniel enrolled in the Certificate in Business Studies (CBS) programme offered by INTI College Nilai in 2017. Having previously only achieved very low grades in secondary school, he completed the CBS programme with a CGPA of 3.96, and made the President’s List thrice, while also making Dean’s List. Nathaniel is currently pursuing his Diploma in Mass Communication at INTI International University.
Looking back on his studies, Nathaniel once regarded tertiary education as an impossible dream to reach, “I only obtained two credits in English and Business during my O-Levels. It was a very demotivating moment for me,” shared Nathaniel who was home-schooled. “My parents were shocked when they saw my results and it was equally hard for them to receive such news.”
Nathaniel’s parents decided to enrol him at INTI College Nilai, which was just a five minutes’ walk from their house. The affordable tuition fees and minimal daily expenses needed lightened their financial load, as they were raising three sons, with Nathaniel being the middle child.
“Gaining a foundation in CBS provided me a smooth transition into the diploma programme at INTI. I also received exemptions on five subjects, allowing me to save half a year on my studies,” explained Nathaniel.

Achieving top results in his Certificate in Business Studies, Harith Iskandar has now graduated with a Master’s degree in Economics from Surrey University, United Kingdom.
A member of INTI’s student government body – INTIMA – Nathaniel attributed his success to his CBS lecturers, classmates and INTI’s innovative learning methods.
“Having good lecturers played a major role in my success during my CBS days. My lecturers continuously encouraged me to achieve my academic goals and pushed me to pursue new learning. These lecturers committed their time and knowledge to the entire group of students pursuing this programme and motivated us to keep building on our capabilities so that we could thrive in the workplace,” shared Nathaniel.
Nathaniel and Harith unanimously agreed that the human element played the most significant role in changing their lives.
While studying the CBS, Nathaniel joined a study group where many of its members eventually became his good friends. “They motivated me in my studies and changed my life,” enthused Nathaniel.
For Harith, his lecturers lifted up his passion for learning. “The lecturers and the head of programme allowed us to knock on their door whenever we encountered problems in our studies. They even gave me insights about all the business programmes where I could further my studies,” said Harith, gratefully.
Both students also commented on INTI’s Blackboard Learning Management System, a systematic means to engage with students across INTI’s six campuses. Combining both conventional and digital learning through one convenient platform, students engage in discussions, obtain information and prepare for their assignments beyond the classroom and through the touch of a button.
“Blackboard was a very convenient tool that gave me access to all the study materials provided by the lecturer,” said Harith.
“Completing assignments and projects allowed me to study according to my own schedule and empowered me to gain more knowledge in an efficient way,” echoed Nathaniel.
Harith and Nathaniel are two of the many INTI students who reflect its tagline of “Your Future Built Today”. By empowering students from all backgrounds through innovative teaching and learning, providing compassionate and attentive faculty, as well as the support needed in developing the competencies for the future, INTI enabled them to change their fates and move on to greater accomplishments.