5 Surprising Outcomes While Learning Online

December 29, 2020

One of the greatest technological contributions brought forward is the digitisation of education. Apart from learning about the course content, remote learning also helps students gain additional transferable skills. Here are some of the surprising benefits of online learning for students to look out for.

Happy student benefiting from online learning
5 Surprising Outcomes While Learning Online

1. Enhanced Virtual Communication

As our lives become increasingly digital, online communication is now a necessary soft skill to learn. In an online course, discussions with your tutors and peers may be conducted across different platforms. Video calls are similar to face-to-face communication, which makes it easier to understand the conversation via visual cues. But what if you have to discuss with your classmates on discussion forums? With only words, punctuations and symbols, it can be quite the challenge to convey what you want to say clearly. This scenario also applies to email exchanges and class collaborations through various software programmes. Nevertheless, you can get better at delivering succinct arguments and pitching your ideas through text as the course progresses.

2. Better Time Management

It is never easy to juggle work, family and education simultaneously. Thankfully, one of the significant benefits of learning online is time flexibility. Even though working professionals can access learning materials anytime, it still demands strict adherence to submission deadlines. Unlike physical classes, online courses utilise digital tools to prefix dates and time to ensure an accurate cut-off period. Furthermore, online course programmes for working adults usually do not follow the general academic calendar, which means these students have to create their own study schedules and arrange appointments with their supervisors. This helps to improve time management skills based on their proactiveness.

3. Increased Self-Motivation

Successful remote learning occurs when students choose to be independent learners. By taking their education goals into their own hands, they become self-motivated to achieve regardless of circumstances. Setting priorities, tackling multiple tasks and adapting to the online environment — these are the very skills that are also applicable in the working environment. Thus, online learning is not about acquiring knowledge, but it is also a platform where students can grow in their personal development.

4. Innovative Thinking

New problems cannot always be solved using old solutions. For most of us, online education is still relatively new. It takes time to familiarise ourselves with certain computer features and softwares. Once we overcome the initial hurdle, however, we will become more tech-savvy. In the process of learning online, students will no doubt improve their computer literacy. As they increase in their technological capabilities, they will have the confidence to find innovative ways to solve problems. The world always needs future-forward problem solvers, and what better way to raise a generation of innovative thinkers than through online education.

5. New Technical Skills

Gaining new technical skills while learning online is priceless. While doing coursework, you are required to utilise digital collaborative tools, content management systems and more. You may also need to learn basic troubleshooting for common tech issues. Since virtual workplaces are becoming more popular, digital literacy is therefore a crucial knowledge to acquire.

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