Our Ethics and Compliance standards seeks to ensure that our business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business principles, as well as developing a culture of integrity. We are committed to do the right thing, every day.
Our Standards
The INTI Code of Conduct and Ethics
The foundation of our ethical standards are set out in our code, setting out the principles of integrity and ethical behavior, and our responsibilities to each other, our students, suppliers and the public. The Code is intended to guide daily behavior and help employees resolve the most common ethical and compliance issues that they may encounter – making ethical decisions at work.
The Code of Conduct applies to all employees, officers and directors of all INTI entities as well as third party stakeholders whom we engaged to perform work on our behalf.
Anti-Corruption Policy
INTI is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships wherever it operates and in implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery and corruption. Employees, officers and directors as well as third party performing work on INTI’s behlaf shall not offer, give, solicit or accept any bribes in order to achieve any business or personal advantage for themselves or others or engage in any transaction that contravene any applicable anti-bribery or anti-corruption laws.
Code of Conduct and Ethics for Suppliers
INTI is committed to acting honestly and ethically. We expect the same of our suppliers and anyone who we engaged to perform work for INTI.
Code of Conduct and Ethics for Suppliers
Speaking Up
At INTI, we encourage all employees and people who interact with INTI to speak up and raise a concern if you have come to know of any suspected misconduct or violations against our code. Raising questions and concerns allows us the opportunity to deal with issues and correct them, ideally before they become a violation of INTI’s Code of Conduct and Ethics or the law, or a risk to others.
INTI Ethics Platform
The INTI Ethics Platform is a secure, confidential resource for employees, faculty members, and any other stakeholders/persons with a business relationship with INTI to ask a question or raise a concern related to INTI’s Code of Conduct or other ethics/compliance issues, whether it’s a confirmed, suspected or possible violations. We appreciate your willingness to speak up.
Be rest assured that your report will be handled with the strictest confidentiality and will be objectively investigated and addressed. INTI’s Whistle Blowing Policy prohibits retaliation against anyone for reporting misconduct and the individual who reports will be protected against detrimental action for having made the disclosure.