The 31st INTI Leadership Series was held on May 6, 2015 at INTI International College Subang. The guest speaker was, Jake Abdullah “Jakeman”, the Chief Executive Officer of Astro Radio, Malaysia. The event consisted of talk by Jakeman followed by moderation session and concluded with coffee session with Top Ten Students of INTI, Malaysia.

“What are you willing to give up for your dream to come true?” was the ultimate question of Jakeman. Today Jakeman chairs Astro Radio, mentors Martial Arts players twice a week, teaches philosophy and life coaches people in the wake of transformation he has lived through. His talk’s dynamics were on individual, professional and leadership attributes of today’s generation based on his personal life experiences. His talked on breaking the invincible forces and the forces pushing us back from our dreams. He believes and practices that life starts by steering clear of “excuses”.
“What value can you add to future companies in order to be hired? Or how resourceful are you to fix things at your working environment?” As a professional Jakeman urges learning from mistakes and real life experiences because unless one practices, no mastery will be attainable. Moreover, his life has taught him a single straight line to resourcefulness: talk to everyone by unlocking their buttons “find their strength and use it”- build your networks – fix things first practically, people will appreciate and take your success for granted.

According to Jakeman, leadership is set by examples; i.e. to empower others. As a successful business career, he implies “name” is the first step to empowering one’s subordinates. “Know their names and call them out at public, they’ll feel respected and empowered,” outlined Jakeman.
Jakeman carried an interactive talk with Top Ten Students during the coffee session. To a couple of questions Jakeman had one basic motive, “It’s your mental block; break it to make your life…”. His final advice to younger generation is, “make sure you influence others positively and break all the invincible fences.