INTI University’s Faculty of Business and Communications Spearheads Successful Bubur Lambuk Program for Community Engagement

In a demonstration of commitment to community welfare, the Faculty of Business and Communications at INTI International University, in collaboration with the INTI staff committee, recently orchestrated the Bubur Lambuk Program. This initiative saw the distribution of 1000 packs of Bubur Lambuk to various local communities, fostering a spirit of social responsibility and community engagement.

The recipients of these nutritious meals included INTI staff and students, as well as several key community organizations such as Klinik Kesihatan Nilai, Dataran Nilai, Bazar Ramadhan Nilai, IPD Sepang, Balai Bomba Nilai, IPD Nilai, and Klinik Kesihatan Salak.

The program not only aimed to provide sustenance but also served as a platform for participants to actively engage with their communities. By reaching out to diverse community organizations, participants gained a deeper understanding of societal needs and the importance of giving back. Through this endeavor, INTI University endeavors to instill a sense of social responsibility among its students and staff, fostering meaningful connections and contributing to the well-being of society at large.