
The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences – Traditional Chinese Medicine recently organized an online workshop  on the anatomy of acupuncture points. The workshop was  conducted at the Academy for Silent Mentor where the procedure was performed by our INTI Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) lecturers Mr. Chong Jing Yuan and Ms Yong Yii Pin together...
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  It was an unforgettable occasion for INTI International University to witness the conferment of Emeritus Professor Dr Lim Ho Peng during the INTI International University Convocation Ceremony on the 7th April 2022. Professor Dr Lim Ho Peng has significantly contributed to the vast progress and success of INTI International University during his tenure at...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history.  However, from this disruption, comes the stimulation of innovative minds among higher learning institutions in order to ensure that no students are left behind. As such, it was timely for INTI International University to have organized the very first International Higher Education...
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