Faculty of Health and Life Sciences  (FHLS)

Cluster Name Research Interests   Member (INTI)  Member (External)
Recent projects by members in last 3 years 5 publications in last 3 years
Environment toxicity and control Environmental pollution and toxicity assessments, Bioremediation, Biomonitoring Dr. Jayanthi Barasarathi (Leader)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ong Ghim Hock
Dr. Wong Rui Rui
Dr Wong Kok Kee
Prof. Dr. Wong Ling Shing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheng Wan Hee
Dr Lee Shiou Yih
Dr. Kumar Krishnan
Dr. Douglas Law Sie Nguong
1. Bioremediation using fungi, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
2. Health risk assessment in paddy and soil, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
3. Metals bioaccumulation and health risk profiling in paddy and soil in Selangor, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
4. The Identification of Enzymes for Plastic Bioremediation in Local Fungi, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
5. Assessment Of Toxic Elements In Mangrove Sediments By Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
6. Bioindication of nanoparticles in aquatic environment using photosynthetic microbes, funded by FRGS
7. Green synthesis of nanoparticles using banana leaf extract for antimicrobial purposes, funded by FRGS
8. The study of calcification of cyanobacteria for green material of construction, funded by FRGS
9. The study of biofuel production using green algae species with waste water, FRGS
1. Wild Mushroom Identification through Morphological Approaches in middle of West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. 2021 INTI JOURNAL.
2. Effect of Lead (Pb) exposure towards green microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) on the changes of physicochemical parameters in water. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2021
3. Estimation of a potential fungal species in a copper tolerance and bioacccumulation study, 2021, Current Topics in Toxicology.
4. Effects of silver nanoparticles on the carotenoid production from Haematococcus pluvialis, 2020, Environment Asia.
5. Phenol degradation by macrofungi from Peninsular Malaysia, 2021, Current Topics in Toxicology.
6. Screening for potential fungi from polluted soil for reactive dye remediation, 2021, Current Topics in Toxicology 2021.
Renewable Materials and Energy Renewable enery and biomass studies, biomass-based composite. Dr. Chang Sook Keng (Leader)
Prof. Dr. Tezara Cionita
Prof. Dr. Ho Soon Min
Prof. Dr. Wong Ling Shing
Dr. Rabi’atul Adawiyah binti Ahmad
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheng Wan Hee
Dr. Ooi Kuan San
1. Biomass composites using palm kernal cake, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
2. Bioglue production using coconut kernels, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
3. Bioglue production using palm kernels cake, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
4. The potential of coconut kernel (Cocos nucifera) as bioadhesive for wood composites, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
5. The effects of heat and alkaline treatment towards the adhesive strength of palm kernel based bioadhesive, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
1. Optimization Treatment of Palm Kernel Cake For The Production Of Bioadhesive for Plywood, INTI Journal 2020.
2. Titanium Dioxide Nanostructured Based Supercapacitors (Book Chapter), 2021, Elsevier.
Physical Activity  Physical Activity, Digital Physiotherapy Interventions, Telerehab, Sports and Musculoskeletal Rehab, Ergonomics, Neuro Rehab, Cognitve performance, Exercise performance Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi (Leader)
Yughdtheswari Muniandy
Sangkar Nath Rao Subramaniam
Siti Noorhaslina B. Mohd Zaidi
Vinosh Kumar Purushothaman
Ho Swii Yitt
Thenmoly Subramaniam
Kaanmalar Asoghan
Dasataran V. Subramaniam
Nithiyah Maruthey
1. Neck posture and muscle function following work station modification and exercise program among academician with work related musculoskeletal disorder, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
2. Effects of exercises on selected cognitive function among young adults in a higher education setting, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
3. Effect of ergonomic intervention for office workers, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
4. Influence of text neck syndrome on postural sway and cervical proprioception in adults with and without neck pain, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
5. Physiological Effects of Facemask On The Cardiopulmonary Efficiency, Cognitive Output, Exertion And Discomfort During Exercise Among Elderly – A Pandemic Perspective Study, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
1. Influence of Gender on Pain, Quality of Life, and Physical Activity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences. , s139-s147, 2021
2. Awareness, perception and acceptability of digital physiotherapy intervention among Malaysian physiotherapist. International Journal of Public Health, 10(4), 778-784.2021
3. Perceived barriers to physical activity among Malaysian adults during COVID-19 pandemic- a cross-sectional study” Journal of Physiotherapy Research. 2021.
4. Ankle range of motion and dynamic balance in recreational Sepak Takraw players with and without ankle injury - a comparative study. Pedagogy of Physical culture and Sports, 2021.
5. A Survey of Perceived Barriers and Motivators towards Exercise among People with Parkinson’s Disease in Malaysia” Medical Journal Malaysia Vol 20 No 3. 2021.
6. Does Playing Location based augmented Reality Games increases the physical Activity? Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 9(Spl-1- GCSGD_2020):S182-S186. March 2021
Rehabilitation  Sports Rehabilitation, Cardio-Respiratory and Musculoskeletal Rehab, Sports Biomechanics, Exercise Science, Posture, gait and Balance, Movement Analysis Vinodhkumar Ramalingam (Leader)
Ong Jun Hui
Yu Chi Heaw
Edwin Gaspar
Nur Fadhilah B. Faiz
Shalini Sunmuganathan

Everlynn Hii Yi Xuan
Mohamed Adam Shahul Hameed

1. Impact of Covid-19 on Pulmonary Function Test (PFT), Respiratory Muscle Strength and Quality of Life (QoL) amongst healthy and post-COVID individuals in Malaysia, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
2. Relationship between obesity, balance, and physical activity with fall risk among children , funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
1. Predictor of Mobile Video Gaming on Musculoskeletal Pain among University Students in Selangor, Malaysia. Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia 2021, 11 (3), 518-527
2. Understanding upper body playing-related musculoskeletal disorders among piano and non-piano players using a photogrammetry, La Clinica terapeutica, 2021, 172 (2), 163-167.
3. Effect of Neuro-Dynamic Technique on Repetitive Inward Ankle Rolls among Young Malaysian Athletes-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sains Malaysiana, 2020, Volume 49 (6), 1323-1332
4. Spinal and Pelvic Disposition Associated with Utero-Vaginal Prolapse among Post-Menopausal Women in Chennai (South India)-A Single Blinded Pilot Study. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021, 32(3):9651-9657
5. A pilot study: Neurophysiological Study on the Effect of Chronic Ankle Pain Intervene with Video Assisted Mindful Deep Breathing. 2019. In 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) (pp. 388-393). IEEE.
Microbiology and active compounds 1. Development of healthcare products with antibacterial properties using medicinal plants.
2. Monitoring antibiotic resistance patterns among bacterial isolates from healthy individuals and clinical isolates (where possible).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Geetha Subramaniam (Leader)
Lalita Ambigai Sivasamugham
Emily Quek
Dr. Preamala Gunabalasingam (HTJS)
Dr. Stephen Kidd (UoAdelaide)
1. Antimicrobial effects of plant extracts
2. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of bacterial isolates from healthy individuals.
3. Vaccine hesitancy against COVID-19 vaccines
4. Metabolomics analysis of plant extracts against the biofilm development by Cutibacterium acnes, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
5. Phylotyping and Antibiogram Patterns of Clinical Isolates of Cutibacterium acnes, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
6. Spectroscopy characterization of fermented and non-fermented Clinacanthus nutans extraction for potential functional food and skincare applications, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant
1. Predictor of Mobile Video Gaming on Musculoskeletal Pain among University Students in Selangor, Malaysia. Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia 2021, 11 (3), 518-527
2. Understanding upper body playing-related musculoskeletal disorders among piano and non-piano players using a photogrammetry, La Clinica terapeutica, 2021, 172 (2), 163-167.
3. Effect of Neuro-Dynamic Technique on Repetitive Inward Ankle Rolls among Young Malaysian Athletes-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sains Malaysiana, 2020, Volume 49 (6), 1323-1332
4. Spinal and Pelvic Disposition Associated with Utero-Vaginal Prolapse among Post-Menopausal Women in Chennai (South India)-A Single Blinded Pilot Study. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021, 32(3):9651-9657
5. A pilot study: Neurophysiological Study on the Effect of Chronic Ankle Pain Intervene with Video Assisted Mindful Deep Breathing. 2019. In 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) (pp. 388-393). IEEE.
TCM Clinical Treatment Dr. Heng Aik Teng (Leader)
Leong May Ho
Yong Yii Pin
Nurul Syameera Aduka
Yeoh Beng And
Dr. Yuka Hara
Chong Teek Foh Hoo Jong Shin

1. Clinical research on TCM medication to relieve after-effect of covid-19 patients
2. Clinical research on TCM medication to relieve the patients with symptoms of Covid-19 infection
3. Clinical research on TCM medication to relieve the side effect of Covid-19 vaccination
1. Yong, Y. P. & Leong, M. H., 2021. Superficial Acupuncture with Qing Long Bai Wei Method to Treat Pain. Journal of Chinese Medicine, Issue 127, pp. 37-40.
TCM Herbal and Laboratory Research  Dr. Yuka Hara (Leader)
Nurul Syameera Aduka
Yeoh Beng And
Yong Yii Pin

Andrographis paniculata: the effects on biofilm formation and synergism between natural plant extract and antibiotics, funded by INTI IU Research Seed Grant 1. Yong, Y. P. & Leong, M. H., 2021. Superficial Acupuncture with Qing Long Bai Wei Method to Treat Pain. Journal of Chinese Medicine, Issue 127, pp. 37-40.