MPU Project Post-Mortem Report: Gamefest Odyssey

An exhilarating event unfolded as we hosted 60 refugee children for a day
filled with joy & laughter, centered around a lively game stations featuring
Bingo, Loop ring, Maths, Musical Chair games etc. The room radiated with
infectious enthusiasm as kids eagerly took their seats, armed with colorful
game cards and a contagious excitement.
The 11 game stations game became the focal point of the event, captivating
the attention of every child involved. Cheers and giggles echoed throughout
the space as numbers were called out, and the young participants
enthusiastically marked their cards, eyes gleaming with anticipation. The
games not only provided knowledge sharing & entertainment but also
promoted friendly competition, encouraging a positive and inclusive
As the game progressed, the children’s faces lit up with each matching
number, creating an atmosphere of suspense and fun. Prizes added an extra
element of excitement, rewarding the winners and encouraging a positive
spirit among all participants. The 11 game stations proved to be a highlight
of the event, fostering social interaction, cognitive development, and, most
importantly, unforgettable moments of joy for the 60 children who joined in
the Gamefest Odyssey .